Online Meeting held between European HEADSTART project and Japanese SIPadus & SAKURA projects
SAKURA experts join the 11th ISO/TC22/SC33/WG9 meeting
SAKURA contributes to a proposal by Japanese experts to the 5th VMAD IWG meeting
SAKURA experts leading the development of ISO34502
SAKURA actively involved in AD safety assurance related activities at the 2019 SIP-adus workshop in Odaiba, Japan
Experts from more than 30 countries approve the development of a series of five standards related to Automated Driving safety assurance.
SAKURA contributes to a proposal by Japanese experts to the 4th VMAD IWG meeting
SAKURA project WEB page released.
JARI and IRT SystemX alliance to accelerate research around the safety of autonomous vehicles
SAKURA contributes to a proposal by Japanese experts to the ISO/TC22/SC33/WG9 meeting