Pre-print released! “Defining reasonably foreseeable vehicle parameter ranges for scenario-based testing of automated vehicles in consideration of risk acceptance” with contributions by SAKURA researchers.
SAKURA Database Explained in 30s. Change Vision, Inc. uploaded an explanatory short video of the SAKURA Database!
Major contribution to ISO34502 by SAKURA experts.
SAKURA Breakout workshop was successfully held online in AD safety assurance related activities at the 2020 SIP-adus workshop with participants from around the globe.
Pre-print released! "A Safety Score for the Assessment of Driving Style" with contributions by SAKURA researchers.
Publishment in progress for NFF-JARI joint paper at IEEE ITSC related conference
Online Meeting held between European HEADSTART project and Japanese SIPadus & SAKURA projects
SAKURA experts join the 11th ISO/TC22/SC33/WG9 meeting
SAKURA contributes to a proposal by Japanese experts to the 5th VMAD IWG meeting
SAKURA experts leading the development of ISO34502